Floor sound insulation performance values, fire resistance, and structures

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Regarding sound insulation performance level of floors

  • LHHeavyweight impact sound performance of floor and ceiling structure set which also includes ceiling (performance level as tested in acoustic test chamber)
    Performance to make people in the room downstairs hardly hear the “thud” sound when a heavy object hits the floor, such as a child jumping in a room
  • LLLightweight impact sound performance of floor and ceiling structure set which also includes ceiling (performance level as tested in acoustic test chamber)
    Performance to make people in the room downstairs hardly hear the “clunk” sound when a light object hits the floor, such as a coin or a golf ball

⇒For both performance levels, the smaller the number, the better the performance.

Regarding fire resistance

If you will be using Tiger Sound Insulation Floor System for ministerial regulation compliant quasi fire resistant construction or 60 mins quasi fire resistant construction, you will need to use the following boards:

  Floor Ceiling
Ministerial regulation compliant quasi fire resistant construction
(excluding boundary floor)
- Tiger Board Type Z Thickness: 12.5mm or
Tiger Board Thickness: 9.5mm x 2 sheets
60 mins quasi fire resistant structure Sound insulation board (Tiger Super Hard) Thickness: 12.5mm Tiger Board Thickness: 12.5mm x 2 sheets

* For more details regarding specifications and construction systems for ministerial regulation compliant quasi fire resistant construction and 60 mins quasi fire resistant construction, please refer to the latest version of “Wooden House Construction Specification Sheet” or “Two-by-Four Wall System House Construction Specification Sheet” published by the Japan Housing Finance Agency.

Regarding construction

Furred ceiling
Furred ceiling

A simple construction where ceiling is suspended by fastening a wooden clip to the floor joist. Both the joist and the wooden clip will propagate sound, thus sounds are easily transmitted from the upper floor to the room below.

Suspended ceiling
Suspended ceiling

A construction where ceiling is suspended by clip receiver that are suspended independently from the upper floor.
Since the floor and ceiling are independent from each other, it is difficult for sound to be transmitted from the upper floor to the room below compared to furred ceiling.